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Time for financial spring cleaning?

AAGT Partner Sponsored Post

It’s time for spring cleaning. And just as you may decide to tidy up your physical surroundings, you might want to spruce up your financial environment, too.

For starters, think about how you clean windows to help you see the world more clearly. You can also bring more focus to your financial vision, such as reviewing your overall investment strategy to determine whether it’s still appropriate.

And just as you de-clutter your home by getting rid of duplicate objects, you can improve your portfolio by selling redundant investments, such as nearly identical mutual funds, and using the proceeds to help diversify your portfolio.

Also, similar to how gardeners plant flowers and vegetables in the spring, you can plant seeds of opportunity by owning investments that could provide sufficient growth potential for your goals.

Finally, just as spring cleaning may include getting rid of dangers such as toxic chemicals, you’ll want to protect yourself against threats to your income that could derail your financial future.

Spring is a great time for brightening your physical space — and your financial one, too.

This content was provided by Edward Jones for use by Tracy Milanese, your Edward Jones financial advisor at 602-265-3437

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