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Gifted Podcasts

Finding a podcaster and topic that you can’t get enough of is so awesome – it’s almost like having a meaningful conversation with a friend in real life. Here are some of our favorite gifted and talented-focused podcasts – click the title of any Podcast to listen and subscribe!

A Room with A View

The International Gifted Consortium (IGC), Research Center for the Highly-Profoundly Gifted shares real-life stories, trials and tribulations from the voices of highly and profoundly gifted children, adolescents, young adults, families and beyond – We explore the depths of heightened sensitivity, heightened intensity and heightened awareness found in the social, emotional, physical, cognitive and/or altruistic development of giftedness.

Classified Gifted

Were you identified as “gifted” in school? As an adult, are you frustrated with others’ inability to perform at your intellectual level? Do you struggle with basic levels of functionality, but wildly outperform others on complex tasks? This is the podcast for you. Join host Allie Carlson for a non-edited, thought-provoking conversation about giftedness in adulthood, coping with the results of a broken education system, and embracing your humanness.

Positive Disintegration

What can be positive about disintegration? Join us for a deep dive into Dabrowski’s theory of positive disintegration. It’s a framework for understanding a variety of intense experiences that often look and feel like mental illness, but which can also be viewed as building blocks for creating an authentic personality.

The world needs neurodiversity. The gifted brains, unusual talents, and fresh perspective of neurodivergent people drive innovation and change things for the better. The Neurodiversity Podcast introduces you to these brilliant, quirky, amazing people, and brings you thought-provoking conversations with leaders in psychology, education, and technology, as we work to broaden the definition of normal.

Gifted! NOGAFIYG Podcast (contains swearing)

GIFTED. Giftedness? Intellectual F****** Giftedness! We know you can’t talk about G*fted, but we’re doing exactly that, in podcast format! After only 10+ years on Twitter, @THE_REAL_GIFTED. You know “Gifted” kids? In those classes & programs & schools? Or, maybe not? Too much too intense too sensitive too smart, for their own good? Now, as grown-ass adults, & burnouts & over/underachievers & rock stars, we just want to explore this very real lifelong identity. The question being, is this double-edged sword of the Gifted label, a blessing or a curse? And the answers being, #GIFTED4LIFE.

Getting Smart

The Getting Smart Podcast covers trends, innovations and insights in K-12, higher ed, lifelong learning, leadership, investing and more. You can listen and subscribe on Apple PodcastsSpotifyStitcher or wherever you get your podcasts.

Education Talk Radio

The voice of the American Consortium for Equity in Education at | Host Larry Jacobs facilitates rich discussions with innovative educators, thought leaders, authors, and the leaders within the education industry to promote equity, access, and opportunity for every student in every school.

Someone Gets Me

The Someone Gets Me Podcast is a place for smart, gifted, talented, and sensitive people who are searching to be understood. It is for those who are yearning to navigate through an often-insensitive world in a productive manner.

The WATG Podcast

The Wisconsin Association for Talented & Gifted is finally on the air! Subscribe for all of your WATG news, special interviews, and motivational stories as we help spread awareness for talented and gifted children all over Wisconsin!
Have your own podcast recommendation? Comment below!
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