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GERI Summer Program is back … Now in a virtual format! (Grades 5-12)

Purdue Gifted Education Research & Resource Institute (GER2I) is excited to announce the return of the Summer Residential Program for students currently in grades 5 – 12! Our summer program will be held virtually on July 11-24, 2021, and registration is now open! Each session costs $500 only.

We offer a wide range of online classes, including STEM and the humanities, to foster your child’s academic, creative, and artistic interests and skills. These classes are designed to be one to two grade levels above traditional classroom content and taught by esteemed professors, graduate students, and teachers.

This year, special classes for 5th and 6th grade students include 3D Geometric Design in MathCrime Scene Investigation (C.S.I), World of Spies: Keeping Secrets, Kitchen Science, and more. 7th and 8th grade students have a wide selection from Brainiacs! Brain Science HighlightsSTEAM Labs™, Find Yourself in Yoga and Art, Creative Writing Workshop, Phantastic Physics, Acting Up and Acting Out: Constructing Cultures of Peace, Engineers for the Interconnected Future, Story Maps, and The World According to Harry Potter. High school students can select from classes like Python® Programming for the Future, Leadership 101, Creative Writing Workshop, Understanding Diplomacy through Game Theory, and Medieval Minecraft.  

We also offer social-emotional small group discussions with counselors to support high-ability students’ social and emotional needs. Students can experience new friendships, cultures, games, and group talks geared toward their interests and development. A rich experience awaits your child(ren) as students participate from several different countries, Native American reservations, and at least half of the United States. For more details about registration, and a full listing of classes, check our brochure at  

To register online, please visit We look forward to having you join us for an exciting virtual learning adventure at GER2I 2021 Virtual Summer Residential Program!


AAGT Enrichment Scholarships

Don’t forget, AAGT Members can apply for Student Enrichment Scholarships to assist in any summer programs or camps your child would like to participate in.

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