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Share Your Story

Calling all current Arizona Gifted students, alumni, families and educators: Tell us why and how gifted education has impacted your life!

Each year as we meet with AZ Senators and Representatives, the message we are hearing is consistent – they want to hear your stories. They need to know the struggles you have faced with your gifted student. They should be empowered with the knowledge of what works in gifted education and why funding will make it that much better for our students.

We invite you to submit photos, videos or short stories about the impact these services and programs, or lack of, have had on you.

Will not be shared publicly
Please provide a brief, 130 Character or less statement about why Gifted education is important to you, your child or as a Gifted/Talented student. Thoughts to include: How are social/emotional needs are met with proper programming. How academic needs were not met in traditional classroom experiences. Students, please use your own words!
A more detailed version including prior struggles before gifted programming, successes you've seen in academics and/or social emotional, or anything else you would like to share. (400 words or less)
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
Please provide any image for use in our advocacy efforts. Please be sure the image is clear, easy to see, and portrays a positive image. You may also upload a video recording to share your AZ Gifted Story if you would prefer.
By selecting this box, you are confirming you are an adult 18 years or older and that you are either the parent or have received parental consent to post the above AZ Gifted Story on the AAGT Website and Social Media.

Read Submitted Stories:

The Benefits of Gifted Education (PACE) in Tempe

Promoting Actualization through Creativity and Excellence (PACE) Stories from the Parents of Students in the Tempe Elementary School District PACE Program My daughter has been challenged with the projects her PACE teacher facilitates.  I have also found it very informative to attend the parent info nights/inservices on how to better understand giftedness and so forth.…

Twice Exceptional Gifted kids are unique

AMG, Mom of two gifted boys My youngest son is “twice exceptional” and requires tremendous support. His brother and he went to KGA. Gifted kids are unique. They require a specific skill set among educators and also the special needs and behavior issues are as prevalent as on the special education side. [eltdf_separator class_name=”” type=”full-width”…

Gifted students deserve to be challenged

Merry, Parent of a Gifted Student In Maricopa Unified we have had two identified Gifted students. It has been a struggle to get a constant and consistent program going. It feels like Gifted students are taken for granted while the needs of under performing students are more focused upon. With Gifted even being cut from…

Instead of learning new concepts, in order to survive academically, my child learned to work the system. 

Stephanie N., President of the Arizona Association for Gifted & Talented.  Our family has lived in Arizona for the past 20 years.  All four of my children have been identified as gifted and that has made life very intense in our household.  Raising gifted children is not easy.  Some commonalities among my children are issues…

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